CBA Immigration Conference
For the hundreds of CBA immigration lawyers, welcome to Winnipeg! This year, we are hosting the national CBA conference from 30 MAY 2019 to 1 JUNE 2019. I have received many emails and messages from lawyers across Canada who have arrived early to explore Winnipeg. Enjoy!
Winnipeg boasts many amazing culinary spots in some very cool neighbourhoods. Here is a selection of some of our favourite restaurants:
- Merchant Kitchen (Downtown)
- Deer & Almond (Exchange)
- Smith (Forks)
- Amsterdam Tea Room (Exchange)
- Clay Oven (near the IRB)
- Segovia (Village)
- Super Deluxe (Village – outside area)
- Chaeban (South Osborne) for the best ice cream
- Clementine’s (Exchange – good for brunch)
- Gusto’s (Little Italy)
- La Roca (Downtown)
The above is a short selection of some of the amazing destinations in Winnipeg. Apologies to all the places that we have not included. Personally, I also love VJ’s and a bunch of smaller places. Hopefully, the +500 attendees for this CBA national conference will get out and explore!
On the immigration side, welcome to Minister Hussen! I look forward to hearing your opening remarks on 31 MAY 2019. There are many significant issues and proposed changes to IRPA/ IRPR. As a CBA Member, we look forward to working with your office and the department for the best interests of applicants and our amazing country!
Here is a description of the conference from the CBA:
The CBA Immigration Law Conference is Canada’s premiere conference on immigration, refugee and citizenship law – where lawyers, judges and public employees at the front-line of immigration practice and policy-making share their knowledge and experience.
The 2019 conference will examine the role of immigration lawyers in achieving Canada’s ongoing objectives to promote justice and security, reunite families, and maximize social, cultural, and economic benefits of immigration.