Elisabeth Isakov
Barrister & Solicitor* Services provided by IoiCanada Immigration Services
Elisabeth Isakov
Elisabeth Isakov is a practicing lawyer in Good Standing with the Law Society of Manitoba. She has several years of experience in the immigration field working at Clarke Immigration Law. She completed her law degree from Robson Hall at the University of Manitoba. Prior to her J.D, she obtained her B.A degree in Criminal Law from York University as well as a Paralegal diploma from Seneca College (Ontario), and an Immigration Consultant diploma from Humber College.
As a former business owner, she is acutely aware of the challenges by small businesses. Through her years of experience, she has handled various immigration applications, including complex Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) applications, Family Class applications to IRCC and Federal Court judicial reviews. She provides service to clients in Russian and Hebrew. Elisabeth enjoys reading fiction and autobiographies, spending time with her family and jogging outdoors in her free time.