New Permanent Resident in Winnipeg
One of our clients was conferred with Permanent Resident status this morning. After a short process, we were successful with a Spouse or Common Law Partner In Canada (SCLPC) class application with a Work Permit. From start to finish, the client became a PR (Permanent Resident) in 9 months.
It is always a pleasure to work with clients and make sure that their applications are done perfectly. Good work leads to positive results. We see so many applications that are not done well. In so many cases, the family members or the helpers have good intentions that go sideways. We only see, of course, the applications that we need to fix. If the application goes through the system without any issues, we may not even know about it.
The day a client becomes a Permanent Resident is a celebration for both the client and all of us in the office. Thank you to these clients who have given us the privilege to help them through the process.
Note: please be aware that applications that are submitted under the SCLPC class must be done well. If the application is refused, for any reason, the Applicant does not have the right to appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division. This point cannot be overstated. Losing the right of appeal should not be taken lightly.
The interview this morning went perfectly and the clients were well prepared. We make sure that all our clients go through a practice interview in our office to make sure there are no surprises when they meet with the Immigration Officer. The motto in our office is: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. In our experience, when clients go into an interview or a hearing and they are prepared, that can be the biggest difference between failure and success. Thankfully, our track record at IRCC and CBSA and the IRB is clear and the Officers know that when Clarke Law is representing the Applicant, they will be well prepared for all the potential issues.
These clients will remember this day. The date that someone becomes a Permanent Resident of Canada is very important. It is up there with becoming a Canadian Citizen and, hopefully, we will help them going through that process when the time comes. It is always a pleasure to help clients meet their goals and achieve their dreams. We help families get together, stay together and reunify in Canada.