We regret to announce that CIL has made the difficult decision to not accept any more legal aid certificates for the foreseeable future. We do not take this action lightly. We know that many clients will be disappointed. Clients regularly come to us as they have heard we are the best. They have been told to come seek our help. Communities rely on our services. Unfortunately, Legal Aid Manitoba (LAM) has failed to provide sufficient compensation for this work, despite increasing fees for other areas of law. This is simply not fair so we have been compelled to make this difficult decision.
In Oct 2022, the Government of Manitoba increased LAM tariffs for Criminal Law matters. They increased tariffs for Family Law matters. Increase for Immigration? No. Increase for Refugees? ZERO. Clearly, LAM considered the tariffs and decided they were too low. They decided to increase the moneys paid for many legal matters and made the decision not to increase tariffs for immigration and refugee matters. Is this fair?
Mr Clarke has spoken to the management at LAM and they have repeatedly promised to make things fair. We have been patient for more than 1 year. They have failed to act on their promises. Inflation has been increasing our costs of doing business. Workers are getting 9.5% wage increases.
Based on the MB Legal Aid website, the maximum fees for a refugee hearing (from start to finish) is CAD $1,315. That is the maximum. It is extremely low. If a lawyer has a complex case, they can request a “discretionary increase”. That request goes to a committee and they review the work. How many requests for a “discretionary increase” (DI) are approved? At CIL, we have submitted many DI requests over the years and they have ALL been denied by LAM. This means that CIL is paid at a low rate for some work, and not paid at all for any additional work that may be required.
The only conclusion is that the current model is not sustainable. If we continue to accept LAM clients at unfair rates, we are supporting and condoning an unfair system.
We love helping our clients. Families. Workers. Students. Business Owners. Corporations. Refugees. We serve all our clients equally, regardless of their background. Access to justice is one of our motivating principles. We know that legal fees can be expensive so we offer payment plans. We also know that, in some cases, even our payment plans are outside the means of certain clients. Every year, we spend many hours doing pro bono work for clients and we regularly offer additional services at no additional charges. Unlike the vast majority of law firms, we publish our fees online for anyone, in any country, to review so they can make an informed decision. We have published detailed explanations regarding our one-time Administrative Fee and we have been regularly audited by the Law Society. We love the fact that we have helped so many clients win at the RPD, win at the IAD, win at Federal Court, and we have helped so many clients come to Canada as students or workers or as separated family members.
CIL is a business. We have to keep the lights on. We have to pay our bills. We have to pay salaries and bonuses to Team Members. We do not receive any grants or funding from either the provincial government or the federal government. We rely on fees paid for our work – 100%.
In Manitoba, there are 2 potential sources of fees: 1. Clients; or 2. Legal Aid Manitoba. Most law firms in Manitoba do not accept legal aid certificates. When Alastair Clarke founded CIL many years ago, a senior lawyer said:
“My best advice is to not accept legal aid. If you do, you will not be able to feed your family.”
Mr Clarke did not take that advice. CIL has accepted legal aid certificates every year and we are actively involved with the legal aid community. Mr Clarke has also been volunteering for many years at the Legal Help Centre to provide free legal advice on immigration matters.
After many years of practice, it is clear that refugees are good for Manitoba. They pay taxes. They perform valuable work during a labour shortage. Based on research from the University of Manitoba, they are a net positive for our economy, notwithstanding the fact that helping refugees is the right thing to do.
In 2022, Mr Clarke had a meeting with lawyers in Ontario and other provinces to discuss legal aid. The meeting was organized by the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL). We talked about calling on the Federal Government to establish a nationwide plan and, in the end, we could not agree on a unified message. Why? One of the reasons is that Legal Aid Ontario pays lawyers much more than other provinces. In addition, unlike Manitoba, the Ontario government has recognized the importance of refugee protection so their fees increased in 2023 and they will increase again in 2024 and again in 2025.
The refugee lawyers in Ontario do not want to risk those tariffs coming down to match the tariffs paid by Legal Aid Manitoba. This makes sense. I certainly would not want to negatively impact my colleagues in Ontario based on the lack of fairness in Manitoba.
This is a tough question. Mr Clarke regularly lets his staff know that we are in the business of saving lives. There is no price tag on that service. The average doctor in Manitoba is paid $310k for their work. Is that a fair comparison? No, not really. We want to be fair. We want to be just. We currently charge a minimum of $3,500 to assist with a refugee claim from start to finish. These procedures generally take 12 to 18 months and we work with the claimant, supporters, witnesses and members of the community to prepare the case. We need to spend enough time on each and every file to make sure our clients have the best chance at success.
Clearly, the LAM tariff of CAD $1,315 is not fair.
A Canadian law firm in Ontario charges CAD $11,250.00 for a refugee claim and hearing (minimum). I am not including a link to that law firm as I do not want to give them any web traffic. In my view, charging CAD $11,250.00 for a refugee claim is outrageous and not fair to the claimant.

Most people would agree the above rates are too high. Charging CAD $11,250.00 is not defensable, although I did not contact that law firm to see what justification, if any, they have for such high fees.
Our fees start at CAD $3,500 and most of our refugee claimants on private retainers pay that amount. We have not raised our fees for refugee claims since 2015. In 2020, we did a review of our fees and we noticed that law firms in Canada were raising their fees. We made the decision not to raise ours because of clients were suffering.

Canadian Lawyer Magazine published the 2020 Legal Fees Survey online. Legal fees in 2021 went up. Here are the numbers for 2021. Average fees for a refugee claim in Ontario in 2021 was $5,000, for example. Based on our research, they did not publish fees for 2022 or 2023.
Based on the above, we know that we could charge more than $3,500 per claim. I know that our services are among the best in Canada. Since David Matas decided to limit his practice, Alastair Clarke is arguably the most experienced refugee lawyer in Manitoba. He was contracted by Kinbrace in BC as the Canadian expert in refugee law to oversee and draft the guide from refugee claimants across Canada. In 2023, he accepted a position as an IRB Representative for the Canadian Bar Association (CBA). Currently, he has more than 50 hearings scheduled at the RPD and he is booked until Spring 2024. Do we want to raise our fees? No.
$1,315? $3,500? $5,000? $5,750? $11,250? What is fair?
Based on 15 years of practice, I believe $3,500 CAD is fair for a refugee lawyer to charge to represent a refugee claimant at the RPD. To be frank, this should be the minimum for this type of work. I can understand how refugee lawyers in Ontario charge $5,000 and how the average fees across Western Canada is $5,750.
Alastair Clarke recently spoke with a junior immigration lawyer who is starting out. She asked about different areas of practice and LAM. Mr Clarke described the work involved and let her know that LAM pays $1,315 for this work. Her reply:
That’s it? Are you joking? How could I feed my kids? No, that can’t be right.
She is correct. It is not right. It is not fair.
As you have read from the above, this has been an issue that has been burning for a long time. What prompted this decision? I can share this story. In NOV 2023, we accepted a LAM to accept a family from Turkey. They have truly suffered, although this is not straightforward situation as they are relying on “generalized risk”, which is difficult in the context of a A96/ A97 determination. Regardless, we accepted the LAM file. Then we learned that the sister of the principal claimant is a physician in Manitoba. She is getting paid CAD +$300,000.00 by the Government of Manitoba to provide health care to residents in Manitoba. Could she support her brother and his family? Yes. Is she? No. She helped them apply to LAM. It could be said that she expects to get paid CAD +$300,000.00 by the Government of Manitoba to save lives but she does not want to pay anything for us to save her brother’s life. That was the last straw.
We are calling on the Government of Manitoba to match the tariffs paid by the Government of Ontario for refugee services. That is all. A refugee lawyer in Kenora, ON should be paid the same as a refugee lawyer in Winnipeg. If that happens, we will accept more work from LAM
We will continue to represent refugee claimants on private contracts. Our fees are published online. Based on the above, I hope you agree that our fees are fair. Our clients are on payment plans. We do our best to be as flexible as possible. If you need help, we would love to work with you.