Tribunal Advocacy Training
For the 2nd time, Alastair will be providing a training session to lawyers, representatives and advocates on advocating on behalf of clients at the tribunal. In particular, we will cover best practices when dealing with cases at the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) – Western Region. This tribunal advocacy training session is being coordinated by the IRB and space is limited.
- DATE: 12 June 2018
- TIME: 11:30AM
- ADDRESS: Legal Aid Manitoba Building, 4th floor
The deadline to RSVP is on 5 JUNE 2018 and space is limited. At the last training session, the room was completely packed and we had a good discussion. Since that time, there have been significant changes at the IRB, in particular how RPD hearings are scheduled and conducted. Two keys points that we will discuss:
- Making an application to the RPD for Late Disclosure of Evidence
- Making an application for submitting more than 100 pages of country condition evidence
The tribunal has been making changes to deal with the increasing numbers of refugee claimants in the Western Region. As advocates, we have a duty to best represent our clients and ensure they have the best chance of success with their applications. This tribunal advocacy training will include a section on Q & A with an experienced RPD Member.
Please note that this tribunal advocacy session is not a regular training session. This is the 2nd session in Winnipeg and the purpose is to increase the level of advocacy among representatives. The session is strictly confidential and all participants are encouraged to express any questions or concerns with the policies and procedures at the IRB.